Introducing the GBUD Book Club, 'Phola The Healing Series', hosted at the Goethe-Institut

Dear Girl Bosses Under Duress,

This week we discuss how I reconnected with my love for reading and writing, the Girl Bossing Under Duress Book Club as well as Phola: The Healing Series, taking place at the Goethe-Institut between September - November 2024.

Reconnect with Joy

During my undergraduate degree at the University of Cape Town, I majored in English Literature simply because I loved reading and writing. There was no career motivation behind it—I was just passionate about it. My parents, both tertiary educators at the time, fully supported my choice, encouraging me to pursue what I loved. While at university, I thoroughly enjoyed English Literature, attending creative writing workshops and poetry seminars, and eventually graduated with a distinction, majoring in African Literature. However, the demands of academic reading left little time for leisure reading. Those who have experienced academia will understand how it can suck the joy out of reading for fun. After completing my degree, I pursued several others, and before I knew it, years had passed without me picking up a book voluntarily. I never stopped buying books, though. It's often said that reading and buying books are two entirely different hobbies, and I was deeply invested in the latter, watching my personal library grow while rarely making time to read.

About a year ago, feeling burnt out at work, I decided to rekindle my love for reading. By then, I had been three years into my career pivot from the creative sector to governance, and my overall passion for art-related things had begun to fade. Immersed in the world of wellness, I took the advice to rediscover activities that bring happiness to combat burnout. If you missed it, the free GBUD Burnout Reset Guide is still available— Download it here. My reading at that time was casual, mostly during long plane or car rides. It was incidental and unintentional, often leaving books unfinished when boredom set in. During my Quarter 1 goal-setting session in January 2024, I resolved to be more intentional about reading. My goal was to read one book a month and publish a review on Instagram and Goodreads. This goal provided me with an incentive to read and a chance to exercise my writing and reviewing skills. It also connected me with an online community of readers on #Bookstagram and #BookTok. By Quarter 3, my love for reading had been fully revived, and I decided to take it up a notch. I envisioned myself curating and hosting literary events, with a banner behind me featuring the logo of a partnering brand. I even shared this vision with my partner. Being deeply spiritual, I don’t take these sorts of insights lightly. It was a no-brainer for me because it aligned with my "why"—to "empower marginalised individuals to yearn, seek, and acquire meaningful, dignified, and fulfilling realities." This vision birthed the idea for the Girl Bossing Under Duress (GBUD) Book Club. 

An image of me taken at a poetry reading (2024)

Girl Bossing Under Duress Book Club

Girl Bossing Under Duress, the online platform and community initiative I created to connect and uplift those striving for holistic self-improvement amidst societal pressures, now includes the GBUD Book Club. The club connects literature lovers, supports local and marginalised authors, contributes to decolonising the literary archive, and facilitates meaningful discussions on identity, resistance, and empowerment. So, how did it all come together? It began with quarterly goal setting, followed by an action plan, proposals, and applications to various institutions, brands, and organisations. We can delve into the details once this iteration has concluded, but for now, let's focus on Phola: The Healing Series. 

Phola: The Healing Series



To be cool, calm. To heal up, get well. (isiXhosa) 

Phola: The Healing Series is a special edition of the GBUD Book Club, offering an immersive, multi-sensorial experience designed to provide a safe space for marginalised individuals to connect with others and themselves for healing. "Phola," in its colloquial sense, means to "chill," "slow down," and relax. In its original form, it denotes healing. The Healing Series embodies the duality of this word through a focused, multi-disciplinary practice that encourages slow, meaningful consumption, production, engagement, and learning against the fast-paced backdrop of the city and its extreme capitalist demands. This programme is for everyone, but specifically targets young, Black women and LGBTQIA+ individuals striving to balance and maintain their mental health and overall wellness. Recognising the power of art as a healer, The Healing Series integrates various elements and infrastructure of the Library Gamebox Hub (LGH) at the Goethe-Institut for activities exploring bibliotherapy, sound healing, yoga, and mindfulness. It provides a space for both silence and the voices of those who have been, and continue to be, silenced. The initiative fosters imagination, explores radical discourse, increases adult literacy, and imparts comprehension, language, and media literacy skills. You can read more about The Goethe-Institut Library Gamebox Hub (LGH) here.

Phola: The Healing Series will be hosted at the Goethe-Institut, Johannesburg, with virtual attendance options available. These events are free to attend, so keep an eye on announcements to confirm your attendance and avoid disappointment. Save the dates below and stay tuned for updates! 

  • Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 (10:00 - 14:00) 

  • Saturday, October 19th, 2024 (10:00 - 14:00) 

  • Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 (10:00 - 14:00) 

  • Saturday, November 9th, 2024 (10:00 - 14:00) 

You can find all the book reviews I've published so far below: 

Read the Queenie (Candice Carty-Williams) Book Review here.

Read the Yellow Face (Rebecca F. Kuang) Book Review here.

Read the Spilt Milk (Kopano Matlwa) Book Review here.

Read the Fresh Water (Akwaeke Emezi) Book Review here.

Read the When The Filter Fades (Janine Jellars) Book Review here.

Read the Invisible Strings (Naledi Mashishi) Book Review  here.

I'm currently reading Atomic Habits (James Clear) and The Death of Vivek Oji (Akwaeke Emezi). What book(s) are you currently reading? I'd also love to know which local authors you'd like us to engage with during Phola: The Healing Series. Let me know in the comments or on our social media platforms under the hashtag #GBUDBookClub. 

Much love, 

Your Fellow Girl Boss Under Duress, 


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